When making a loan, trusts often take immediate ownership of the assets that would normally be posted as collateral to banks, and only transfer them back once the debt has been repaid. 信托公司发放贷款时,往往立刻拥有抵押资产的所有权(这种资产通常被银行当作抵押品),只有在债务清偿以后才会返还产权。
It is not easy to vote against their own immediate enrichment, or to deny a dramatic increase in family assets from$ 36 to$ 60 a share to their children, grandchildren and favourite charities. 要投票反对立刻就能拥有的财富,或是拒绝让留给子孙后代及中意慈善组织的家族资产从每股36美元大幅升至60美元,也并不容易。
In some cases this is true: the impulse for many lenders, particularly in the immediate aftermath, is not to build assets but to repair capital ratios. 在某些情况下,此言不差:许多银行本能地(特别是在危机刚刚过去时)不是去扩充资产,而是去恢复资本金比率。
The president announced the immediate freeze of all Syrian government assets that are subject to U.S.jurisdiction. 奥巴马总统宣布立即冻结所有受美国管辖的叙利亚政府资产。
Immediate impacts will be felt in the form of adverse effects from more frequent and more intense extreme weather events on food production, food distribution infrastructure and livelihood assets. 立刻产生的影响将以下述形式出现:更频繁、更严重的极端气候事件将对粮食生产、粮食营销结构和生计资产产生不利影响。
The Adoption of trust can solve several current problems, which are calling for immediate resolution in the operation and management of state-owned assets. 采用信托经营方式能够化解当前企业国有资产经营管理中几个亟待解决的问题。
Under this circumstances, the immediate research topic for our management department and administrative personnel is how to take good care of and make good use of the state assets and how to ensure the safety, integrity, value and increments of these assets. 在新形势下,如何管好、用好国有资产,确保国有资产的安全、完整、保值和增值,充分发挥国有资产在高校中的作用,是我们管理部门和管理工作者亟待研究的课题。